The Song of Mantsi
A translation of Mantsin laulu “Heroes speak of heroes, women tell women’s tales, bridegrooms speak of heartache, maidens of their maiden worries. What will I, a poor man, speak of? I will speak of a young maiden. Was it a wolf that brought down the graceful one? Was the fair one taken by a bear? Did an eagle grab the decorated one? Did a viper bite her heel? That would not distress me so, but I have a greater worry, for the young maiden was taken away by Simo Hurtta, the evil man; he made her lovely eyes cry with his wild wolf-eyes, hurt her red cheeks with his hairy bear-cheeks, destroyed her shapely hair with his eagle-claws, made her firm breasts wither on his cold viper-bosom. That would not distress me so, but I have a greater worry, for I am not man enough to take an arrow to the groove, to raise an axe, to be worthy of a spear of war; old age has taken away my once renowned strength, sickness has sapped my powers, sorrow has broken what was le...