
Holy Songs
Original work: Helkavirsiä (1903)
Translated into (broken) English by Harri Perälä <harri.perala@iki.fi>

Helkavirsiä is a collection of poems by the Finnish poet Eino Leino (1878–1926). In 1916 it was followed by a “second series” (Helkavirsiä. Toinen sarja). In the words of Pirjo Lyytikäinen,¹ these two works bring together “the world of Kalevala and Kanteletar as well as Finnish folk tales” and “turn-of-the-century modern European poetry”.

For my own entertainment, I have been translating the first series into English. The translations will be published on this blog as I complete them, probably at a rate of one poem per week. Readers may also be interested to know that there exists a professional English translation by Keith Bosley (Whitsongs, 1978).


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¹ Lyytikäinen, Pirjo. 2000. Ihmiset, sankarit ja jumalat. In: Leino, Eino. Helkavirsiä I–II. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.


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